Welcome to Kropplenburg!
It is our intention that what you find here should be interesting, even provocative, but not, we hope, insulting.
The first topics we are planning are:
Watch this space!What is Kropplenburg?
The Ruhnian State Railways - a brief survey.
Other railway material - some hitherto unpublished.
The Law - What should be changed?
The Euro - Who wants it and who doesn't and why?
Important Notice!
The Kropplenburg site contains no bad language and no material of an explicit sexual nature, nor does it wilfully condone or seek to provoke any breach of given law.
Second, Slightly Less Important Notice!
The Kropplenburg site is in an early stage of development. Please bear with us while we are putting it together. Although we test our links before uploading to our server, we will very likely make mistakes. If you notice any, please let us know. Fanx.
Being newcomers, we also feel a bit like the pirate radio stations of the 1960s in the UK, who for a while didn't even know if they had any listeners, so we would appreciate knowing that you know we're here. Thank you.